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Katsina Market Fire: Wife exposes husband who looted shoes

Police in Katsina have arrested Muhammad Abba, 43, who was exposed by his wife for allegedly looting women’s shoes during the Monday morning inferno at the Katsina Central Market.

Police spokesman Gambo Isah told newsmen that 33 others suspected to have looted traders’ wares while they scurried for safety, were also arrested.

Speaking specifically on Abba, he alleged that the suspect looted seven pairs of women’s shoes, and kept them in his house.

According to him, Abba’s wife, after trying in vain to get her husband to return the shoes to the relevant authorities, decided to report him to the police. Isah said that the suspect told the police, during investigation, that he picked the shoes on the road in the market, and thought it was some lost property.

He alleged that the other 33 persons equally took advantage of the confusion that enveloped the market during the inferno, to loot power generators, clothing materials and shoes.

Also looted were wall clocks, cartons of spaghetti, bags of semovita flour, cartons of milk, plastics, carpets, among others.

“It is unfortunate that these people were busy looting people’s property during the disaster,” he told News Agency of Nigeria.


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