Governor Aminu Masari on Friday signed into law, the amended penal code of criminal justice system in Katsina State.
The amended penal code of criminal justice now makes kidnapping and cattle rustling, capital offences while rape now attracts life imprisonment in the state.
Speaking during the brief ceremony to assent to the laws, Governor Masari explained that the state is currently faced with security challenges, hence the need to revisit the penal and procedural laws to deal with suspects.
The Governor revealed that the two laws that were signed, particularly the penal code had been amended generally and in particular, the section dealing with kidnappings, cattle rustling, rape and other related offences, Daily Nigerian reports.
He announced that cattle rustling and kidnappings were now capital offences in the state and attract mandatory death sentences.
He said the offence of rape now carries the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment in addition to fine and compensation for the victim.
The Governor expressed the hope that the reviewed laws would serve as deterrents to those that may be convicted and those nursing the intention of committing such crimes.